The Grand Hyatt Atlanta replaces toilets to save water, time, and money.
Located in Atlanta’s upscale Buckhead neighborhood and convenient to Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, Grand Hyatt Atlanta is one of the premier hotels in the city. With 438 of the largest guestrooms in Buckhead, this hotel hosts thousands of business and leisure travelers each week.
Hotels simply can’t operate without water. Toilets, showers, and laundry account for most water use. But with the drought conditions Atlanta has experienced over the last several years, the hospitality industry has been under pressure to ease its impact on the local water supply. Atlanta-area water and sewer costs have quadrupled in the last 10 years, so Director of Engineering Roy Griffin began looking for ways to reduce the hotel’s water use. “Controlling consumption is not only environmentally sound, it is smart business,” said the 20-year Hyatt veteran. “You have to stay in touch with the trends in your area. If you don’t know when costs are going to rise, you’re leaving money on the table.”

Faced with a 27.5% increase in their water and sewer bills, Griffin opted to retrofit the hotel’s 460 toilets with Eco UltraMax toilets immediately. “Everyone at TOTO and their distributor were very easy to work with,” he said. “We were extremely happy with how well the change-out went for such a huge project. In fact, it went so smoothly that we never had a lost room night during the process.”
Griffin soon realized the water conservation was just one of the benefits of TOTO HET toilets. “These units are equipped with a 3” flush valve that provides a powerful flush. Its consistent high performance has all but eliminated guest complaints about clogged toilets, which has freed our maintenance engineers to focus on other duties,” he said.
In addition to retrofitting the guest rooms with high-efficiency toilets, Griffin installed more efficient showerheads, lavatory flow restrictors that reduce the flow to 1.0 GPM, and a water-reclamation system that filters and reuses 75 percent of laundry water. All of these conservation programs contribute to a total annual water savings of 3,253,000 gallons, a reduction of 29 gallons per guest night. The hotel continues to seek new ways to minimize its impact on the environment by conserving resources and reducing waste, and by fostering a culture of environmental consciousness among its associates, guests, and business partners.
Guest rooms account for much of the water used in hotels, and toilets in particular are the largest indoor water consumer. The Grand Hyatt Atlanta’s guest rooms were outfitted with 3.5 GPF toilets. At Hyatt’s annual Engineers Conference, Griffin learned about TOTO’s Eco UltraMax High-Efficiency Toilet (HET).
“I was impressed,” he said. “Its water savings, performance, and design appeal were just what I was looking for.” The TOTO HET toilet uses just 1.28 GPF, providing an additional 20 percent water savings over the 1.6 GPF toilets currently mandated by the Energy Policy Act of 1992, and a whopping 63 percent savings over the Grand Hyatt Atlanta’s 3.5 gpf toilets. Simply replacing the older, high-volume toilets with TOTO HETs, the hotel was able to save thousands of gallons of water per day.
Benefits for PeoplePlanetWater
By bringing manufacturing closer to the point of sale, TOTO has had significant impacts on people, the planet, and water. Here's how:
Creating jobs, reducing costs. Relocating manufacturing facilities to the Americas has not only created jobs, it's helped TOTO to reduce shipping costs and streamline quality control. We pass those savings on to our customers.
Think globally, shop locally. Instead of shipping our products around the world for distribution and sale, TOTO manufactures in the Americas—reducing our overall carbon footprint.
By land, not by sea. TOTO doesn't just believe in conserving fresh water—we’re serious about saving the oceans, too. Fewer container ships mean less pollution and cleaner beaches.
Since 2010, America has added roughly 500,000 manufacturing jobs, which is an increase of 4.3%.