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and Comfort

Cleanliness and Comfort is one of the three global objectives of TOTO’s “Global Environmental Vision.” To help us achieve this target, we have established the twin goals to “realize cleanliness and comfort throughout the world” and to “pursue ease of use for everyone.” Currently, we are working to deliver clean and comfortable toilets on a global basis.

By realizing cleanliness and comfort through our business activities,
we will contribute to the following SDGs.


Realizing Cleanliness and Comfort throughout the World

To create clean and comfortable bathrooms for consumers, we have developed a range of clean technologies unique to TOTO. These clean technologies include EWATER+, CEFIONTECT, RIMLESS TORNADO FLUSH, and TOUCHLESS products. Based on TOTO CLEANOVATION, which combines the words “CLEAN” and “INNOVATION,” we will continue communicating our three fundamental clean innovation values to consumers around the world.

Key Clean Innovation Focus Areas


The clean lifestyle of
personal cleansing with water


The Cleanliness and security
achieved through unique technologies
and designs


The peace of mind derived from
hands-free products

Trends in Cumulative WASHLET® Sales

Reaching a Total of Over 60 Million WASHLET Models Sold Worldwide.

Launched in 1980, WASHLET began a revolution. It was a concept so innovative and so intelligently designed that it reinvented the way people perform the most vital daily ritual. Beyond the hygiene, this life-changing product brings a sense of harmony and wellness to daily life. By 2022, over 60 million units had been sold. Today, with a focus on wellness, TOTO continues to develop new advanced technologies for WASHLET.


Pursuing Ease of Use for Everyone

Based on the Words of Our Founder, “Kindness must always come first,” we believe to create is to think about all people. To that end, we continue to evolve TOTO’s Universal Design product lines by closely observing people's lifestyles across the life's continuum and turning a sympathetic ear to their needs and concerns. In the 1960s, we began incorporating their physical challenges into our product development. In addition to developing and marketing products that make use of universal design, we also issue reports that survey the questions and concerns that people in wheelchairs, people with infants, people who are gender non-conforming, and other groups have when using restrooms outside their homes. In addition, we petition governmental agencies for public restrooms that take into account the unique needs and circumstances of different communities of people. TOTO’s public restroom proposals have been adopted in numerous locations.


Global Environmental Goals

Key IndicatorsFY2023 (Results)FY2026 (Targets)
Percentage of toilets with built-in TORNADO FLUSH shipped
Number of WASHLET units shipped
million units
million units
EWATER WASHLET rollout percentage

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